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  • Post comments:1 Comment
  • Post last modified:August 18, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

With unwavering dedication and an enduring commitment to the betterment of her community, Mrs. Ragini Devi has emerged as a guiding force in the field of education and child development. For over three decades, Mrs. Ragini has tirelessly championed the cause of education, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless young minds. Her remarkable journey has been marked by her role as a Teacher cum Center Head at the KOSHISH center, a pivotal initiative under “The ROTARY MEGAPOLIS FOUNDATION,” where she has been instrumental in fostering a brighter future for the children under her care. Since joining KOSHISH in 2005, Mrs. Ragini Devi’s profound impact on the lives of both students and families has been nothing short of transformative. Hailing from the same community she serves, her deep understanding of the unique challenges and aspirations of her students has facilitated a strong bond of trust and empathy. Mrs. Ragini has seamlessly integrated into the lives of her students and their families, investing her time and efforts to ensure a holistic and nurturing learning environment.

In her role as a Teacher cum Center Head, Mrs. Ragini Devi meticulously crafts weekly and monthly lesson plans, guiding her students through an enriching curriculum that encompasses not only academic knowledge but also essential values and life skills. Her classroom resonates with positivity as she commences each session with a heartfelt prayer and emphasizes the importance of hygiene and personal well-being. Beyond the confines of the classroom, Mrs. Ragini extends her support to parents and guardians, assisting them in securing regular school admissions for their children and bridging the gap between the center and formal educational institutions. An advocate for inclusivity and mainstreaming, Mrs. Ragini’s efforts have yielded remarkable results. Each academic year witnesses the successful integration of 70-80% of KOSHISH center children into mainstream schools, a testament to her relentless commitment to empowering young minds and ensuring their rightful place in society. Her tireless advocacy has led to a seamless transition for students, with admissions spanning multiple grades, from I to IV, based on age and readiness.

Mrs. Ragini Devi’s remarkable journey has been enriched by her extensive experience, which extends beyond her tenure at KOSHISH. Prior to her association with this commendable initiative, she lent her expertise and passion to another NGO, further solidifying her reputation as a stalwart in the field of education and child development. In recognition of her extraordinary contributions, we proudly recommend Mrs. Ragini Devi for an award that celebrates her unwavering commitment, compassionate leadership, and transformative impact on the lives of young learners and their families. Her legacy serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the profound difference one dedicated individual can make in shaping a brighter, more equitable future for generations to come.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. sanjay kaul

    Mrs. Ragini Devi’s journey shines as a testament to the unparalleled power of unwavering commitment and deep-seated passion. As I read through her remarkable contributions, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude and admiration. In a world often rife with transient ambitions, Mrs. Ragini stands tall as an embodiment of enduring dedication and love. Through the lens of her story, one sees not just the educator and community leader she is but the beacon of hope she represents for countless souls. Her story resonates deeply, inspiring each one of us to find our purpose and leave an indelible mark on the world. Thank you, Mrs. Ragini Devi, for illuminating the path of purpose-driven life.

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